Shattered Reality!

A paranormal podcast with your hosts Kate Valentine and Fahrusha


Sad Update…

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our very wonderful audio engineer Bill Moraites.Bill left us on Mother’s Day this year (2021) after a six week battle with Covid-19. It took a long time for us to process our grief. Bill was a musician par excellence, his guitar playing was sumptuous and moving. Beyond that he was as truly decent a human being as we have ever had the chance to call friend. To say that he will be missed is an understatement.

Sadly “Shattered Reality Podcast” has been on hiatus since March when Bill fell ill. We still have two unpublished episodes which we hope to bring to you shortly. We will also seek to archive the shows which have been published.

When that is accomplished we would like to continue our broadcast. Thanks for being a listener.

Fahrusha and Kate Valentine

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#117 Steven Bassett and Disclosure

Steven Bassett, Disclosure advocate.

To Listen Click HERE!

On March 3, 2021 Fahrusha welcomed the Paradigm Research Group‘s Executive Director Steven Bassett to “Shattered Reality Podcast”. He has proposed a new vocabulary to talk about UFOs and ETs and disclosure and he explains it all on our podcast as well on his new podcast called the Disclosure Wire. The main thrust of this vocabulary change is to not make enemies of the press and more importantly the US government. Fahrusha thought this was a very good idea for the most part.

Mr. Bassett is very sure that the origin of the “visitors” to Earth are from some other planetary system or systems. While Fahrusha found this entirely possible she was not as sure. Perhaps they are from the future or perhaps they are disembodied entities pretending to be aliens and ghosts. Fahrusha played the devil’s advocate.

They discussed the position of Harvard astronomer Dr. Avi Loeb on the recent visit of an interstellar object called Oumuamua. Dr. Loeb is of the opinion that the object may be an extraterrestrial probe, while Steve Bassett does not think so. He feels it is Dr. Loeb’s bid to be on the right side of impending disclosure. What is certainly true, as Bassett pointed out, is that the treatment of Dr. Avi Loeb by Harvard and the press has been far more accepting than the treatment of the late Professor John Edward Mack (October 4, 1929 – September 27, 2004). Mack was an American psychiatrist, writer, and professor and the head of the department of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. In 1977, Mack won the Pulitzer Prize for his book A Prince of Our Disorder on T.E. Lawrence. He became very interested in people who had been contacted by possible extraterrestrials and researched and. wrote extensively about it.

“Shattered Reality Podcast” is a free podcast without advertisements. Please like it where ever you listen to it, here and on our FaceBook page. Please feel free to comment and Fahrusha will answer your comments.

Fahrusha is a professional intuitive in the greater New York area and the host of “Shattered Reality Podcast”.

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#116 The Zanfretta Case with Rino Di Stefano

Illustration of the entities that Piero Zanfretta encountered in 1978.

To listen, Click HERE

On February 6, 2021 Fahrusha interviewed Italian journalist and author Rino Di Stefano about his book, The Zanfretta Case: Chronicle of an Incredible True Story. A 26 year old security guard, Piero Fortunato Zanfretta, who in 1978 was a dependable employee and a married man with two children, had a series of astounding encounters with entities over a period of several years. Our guest, Rino Di Stefano, himself a budding journalist in Genoa at the time, had the courage and intellectual curiosity to take the report seriously and his honest investigation of the Zanfretta case forever changed his world view.

Journalist and author Rino Di Stefano

The aspect of the encounters that caused Rino to take the Zanfretta story seriously is the many corroborating reports from other eye witnesses both on the scene and in the surrounding area. Most particularly, one of the officers present in a later Zanfretta abduction was so unnerved that he could never return to work and subsequently took his own life by suicide. After a point Zanfretta himself might be said to have had a break from consensual reality, according to Di Stefano. Alien or entity abduction is not for the faint hearted. It has been known to “fry” brains. It does not necessarily follow that the entities are trying to be harmful. Simply put, the otherness of their consciousness, is beyond human understanding, and what is revealed may cause the experiencer to be unable to process their very different reality.

On Shattered Reality Podcast, we have had other entity experiencers tell their stories. They include: Calvin Parker, Lisette Larkins, and Terry Lovelace. In addition David Booher wrote about Gerry Irwin’s experience and Ron Felber wrote on The Mohave Incident. Piero Zanfretta’s experiences seem most like Calvin Parker‘s and Gerry Irwin’s. There are also aspects of this case that sync with the Travis Walton case. Prior to Zanfretta’s experiences we are told that neither Piero Zanfretta nor Rino Di Stefano were particularly interested in UFOs.

As people who are intrigued with anomalous phenomena it is necessary to carefully examine what is happening to others in cultures around the world. We thank Rino Di Stefano for presenting us with a window into this very strange and compelling account.

Piero Fortunato Zanfretta circa 1978.

“Shattered Reality Podcast” is always free to listeners. We encourage polite comments. We endeavor to respond as soon as possible. If you wish to be a guest on “Shattered Reality Podcast” or participate in our Listeners’ Corner, please send an email to with Shattered Reality Podcast in the subject. Listeners’ Corner participants can be on the show directly or have Fahrusha read their experiences. They can be anonymous or reveal their names.

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#115 Sacred Corridors with Irena Scott, PhD

Dr. J. Allen Hynek

To listen click HERE

On January 19, 2021 Fahrusha was pleased to welcome back Irena Scott, PhD to “Shattered Reality Podcast” to discuss her book Sacred Corridors: Secrets Behind the Real Project Blue Book, Wright-Patterson AFB, Roswell, Battelle, Memory Metal, Dr. J. Allen Hynek & UFO Cover-Ups. This book features many photographs and heretofore unseen letters of Dr. J. Allen Hynek to Jenny Zeidman. Sadly Ms. Zeidman is recently deceased.

Irena Scott spent a good deal of time at Wright-Patterson AFB and Battelle Institute and had sufficient clearance to be able to walk around somewhat freely. She was an employee at Battelle for a period of time.

This is an intricately interwoven tale of government cover-up from before 1947 and Kenneth Arnold through the 1980s. The cover-up extends to today. Were pieces of wreckage from anomalous crafts stored at Wright-Pat? Are they still there? Will we ever know? You be the judge.

At the conclusion of this episode Fahrusha also complimented John Greenewald of “the Black Vault” for his clear-headed contemporary work in unmasking government secrets through the Freedom of Infomation (FOIA) requests.

“Shattered Reality Podcast” is always free to listeners. We encourage polite comments. We endeavor to respond as soon as possible. If you wish to be a guest on “Shattered Reality Podcast” or participate in our Listeners’ Corner, please send an email to with Shattered Reality Podcast in the subject. Listeners’ Corner participants can be on the show directly or have Fahrusha read their experiences. They can be anonymous or reveal their names.

illustrating Smart trees

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#114 Plant Intelligence with Krissy Eliot

To listen Click HERE

Krissy Eliot, author of Edge Science Magazine‘s Special Edition “Sentient Plants: A Product of Nature or Human Imagination?

On December 29, 2020 journalist Krissy Eliot joined Fahrusha to discuss the intelligence of plants. Krissy wrote an entire special edition of the Society for Scientific Exploration’s Edge Science Magazine. Giving credit where credit is due: this was the brainchild of editor Patrick Huyghe who also facilitated the connection with “Shattered Reality Podcast”.

The article is a compendium of contemporary study of the consciousness of the vegetative kingdom, with a few notable nods to the past. We strongly recommend that you read Eliot’s article to have more comprehension of what the podcast covers. There is so much to absorb.

Fahrusha contends that the language one speaks has a strong effect on one’s perception of the nature of one’s environment. Even in closely linked Indo-European languages the presence of multiple gendered articles of speech (Italian, Spanish, and German) versus one (English) can color perception. When we consider, for example, some indigenous North American languages with no past and future tenses, the differences can be mind boggling. Fahrusha apologizes for poor accent reproduction.

One of the most impressive studies comes from Italian researcher, Monica Gagliano, who bravely spent time alone in the jungle with several different plants to learn their thoughts. However to all those researchers who say plants must have a mammalian type brain, we say, “Squid, squid, squid”. To Fahrusha, the question comes down to the difference between consciousness and self-consciousness, and that jury is still out.

Co-operating trees courtesy of Edge Science Magazine.

Trees and other plants and fungi can be perceived to have friends and foes of the same and different species and often practice cross species co-operation. Forrester Peter Wohlleben in Germany studies co-operation and friendship between trees.

“Shattered Reality Podcast” welcomes and answers all polite comments and questions. Please feel free to contact Fahrusha ( privately if you’d like to participate in our Listeners’ Corner.

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#113 Broadcast Intrusions with AP Strange

Our guest AP Strange talks to Fahrusha about the history of broadcast intrusions in the US and the UK

Click HERE to listen.

On 12/08/2020 Fahrusha welcomed AP Strange to “Shattered Reality Podcast” to speak about the history of broadcast intrusions in the US and the UK during the second half of the Twentieth Century. When these broadcast intrusions are NOT hoaxes they are considered to be a type of EVP (electronic voice phenomena).

On “Shattered Reality Podcast” we have had at least two electronic voice phenomena occur during our shows: Episode # 45 with Tom Butler and Episode #102 UFO Experience as a Parapsychological Event. Because they happened during the recording of the show, should they be considered broadcast intrusions? We make no claims about these two phenomena except to say we at “Shattered Reality Podcast” did nothing to cause them.

AP Strange is the pseudonym of a Worcester, Massachusetts part time researcher into flying saucers, the paranormal and Discordian philosophy.  He is an ambassador for the Liminal Earth project, covering weird stories from his home state and also works with the Magonia Research Group.

We discussed the Max Headroom and Captain Midnight US intrusions and went into greater detail about the British incidents involving Ashtar and the Galactic Command and Theosophist and UFO researcher Rex Dutta. The only known video of Rex Dutta who was a “fish doctor” can be found here and it is very entertaining. Rex also wrote three books on the UFO subject with Theosophical and Contactee overtones.

AP Strange preserving his anonymity!

“Shattered Reality Podcast” values your opinions and will answer all polite comments. If you wish to be a guest on our Listeners’ Corner and tell our audience about your anomalous experiences, or have your story read by Fahrusha, please contact her at


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#112 The Case Against Reality with Donald Hoffman

Donald Hoffman, PhD author of The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes

To listen click HERE

On October 14, 2020 Fahrusha spoke with Donald Hoffman, PhD, author of the amazing book, The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes. Fahrusha had heard several broadcasts wherein Dr. Hoffman had proposed his controversial theory about the nature of the material world and the time space continuum. She was fascinated because his mathematically based position was somewhat like what she had intuited.

Dr. Hoffman proposes that the world we see is a construct of our consciousness and the choices as to what we perceive are controlled by our evolutional necessities: nourishment, reproduction and survival. He details how that might work and concedes that it is a theory and is willing to be proven wrong, or more likely, have his theory improved and refined. He furthermore echoes quantum physicists when he says, “reality is doomed”.

Fahrusha wondered how his point of view might affect parapsychology and he was not enthusiastic. To him parapsychology was not moving forward due to not having a mathematical theory to prove or disprove. Fahrusha could definitely see how parapsychologists were repeating similar experiments over the course of the last 150 years and not influencing skeptics and debunkers, even though their results were solid. However the skeptics promulgate a harsh materialist viewpoint despite advances in physics that prove otherwise.

The Case Against Reality by Donald D. Hoffman, PhD

“Shattered Reality Podcast” is not a commercial podcast. To this day we have not accepted any commercial advertisers. If you see advertisements on any of our pages, we have not placed them there. We are in the process of attempting to upgrade our sites.

Please feel free to make any polite comment. It is fine to disagree, but we will erase any defamatory language or ad hominem attacks. You may also contact us directly at:

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#111 Drones with David Perkins

Example of a high end publicly available drone.

To listen click HERE.

On September 29, 2020, Fahrusha was happy to welcome David Perkins back to “Shattered Reality Podcast” for his second visit this year. David is a talented researcher of cattle mutilations, UFOs and now drones in the southwest of the US. He is a 1968 graduate of Yale University majoring in American Studies and Political Science. This episode is in the form of a bulletin because this situation is current and ongoing and deserving of attention.

They discussed the interrelationship of cattle mutilations, fracking, UFOs, black helicopters and currently drones. There is a case to be made that all these things are very much linked. The lackadaisical attitude adopted by government officials is truly astounding in light of the fact that these drones are often intruding on sensitive airspace, especially nuclear reactors and nuclear missile sites.

Perkins, an astute observer, has studied anomalous phenomena in the Southwest since 1975 and is extremely well versed and expert on these subjects.

Our guest, David Perkins (courtesy of Anomaly Archives)

Please feel free to comment on this and all “Shattered Reality Podcast” episodes. Fahrusha will answer all polite questions and comments. We also welcome guest suggestions and Listeners’ Corner experience accounts. Experiencers may contact us privately at

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#110 Witchcraft with Susan Demeter

Susan Demeter’s book Cosmic Witch: Magic, Witchcraft, and the Supernatural

To listen click HERE.

On September 15, 2020 Fahrusha welcomed Susan Demeter back to “Shattered Reality Podcast” for an interesting conversation. Her new book is Cosmic Witch: Magic, Witchcraft, and the Supernatural.

At the beginning of the show Fahrusha talked a little bit about the relationship of animism to witchcraft. Many people around the world are still maligned and persecuted for practicing what is perceived as witchcraft. Susan is very brave to wear the appellation “witch” proudly. Because the word “witch” means different things to different people, Fahrusha broke it down to its most basic tenet, a tenet that runs through almost all of the various varieties of witchcraft. That tenet is animism, the attribution of consciousness to plants, inanimate objects, celestial objects and natural phenomena.

Susan began by speaking about her awesome experiences with UFOs and that dovetailed nicely into the practice of witchcraft. Her book is filled with her personal experiences which are extremely relatable.

She espouses strong powerful womanhood, empowering others, and a sex positive point of view as well. We spoke a bit of a mutual friend, Stephanie Quick, a practitioner of red magic, sometimes called sex magic. Fahrusha spoke about the vilification and denigration of Mary Magdalene by the patriarchal Roman Catholic Church.

There is an Italian language version of the book called La Strega. Both versions of the book are published by Due Torre in Italy.

Fahrusha apologizes for the quality of her audio. Being out of Bill’s excellent audio studio due to the lockdown has been difficult, but she feels it is necessary to persevere in the face of adversity.

Fahrusha invites listeners to submit their anomalous stories for inclusion in “the Listeners’ Corner”.

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#109 Michael Grosso, Ph.D. and Miracles

guest's photo

Michael Grosso, Ph.D. author of Smile of the Universe

To listen Click HERE

On September 8, 2020 Fahrusha was very happy to welcome philosopher and friend of the show Michael Grosso Ph.D. to “Shattered Reality Podcast” for his third visit. His newest book is called Smile of the Universe: Miracles in the Age of Disbelief. Grounded in true stories and matters of fact, Michael Grosso argues for the reality of a great Mind and for the human ability to communicate with that Mind. The first amazing thing we discussed is that the word ‘smile’ and the word “miracle’ come from the same Sanskrit root ‘smi’.

Many miraculous topics were covered. Padre Pio is a 20th Century Roman Catholic Saint who is credited with abundant miracles, many of which were attested to by sources outside the Catholic Church. One of his charisms or siddhis was the ‘odor of sanctity’, a lovely smell both he and St. Joseph of Copertino were said to exude. The Padre was said to be able to read minds and bilocate.

Savants bridge the void between materialists and philosophical idealists because they exhibit skills they had no way of learning conventionally and these skills are undeniable. The Indian Ramanujan was a gifted wizard of mathematics with little traditional schooling. Derek Amato acquired high level musical skills after a head injury. Others start speaking in languages heretofore unknown to them.

We discussed axial ages and portal areas such as Western NY in 19th Century which was the birthplace of spiritualist movement and the Church of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons).

René Descartes and Isaac Newton who today are regarded as scientific materialists, both had deep spiritual influences and precognitive dreams.

We thank listener Chris from NJ for his wonderful dream UFO healing account and hope to hear more from him. If you have an anomalous true story you’d like to share on “Shattered Reality Podcast”, please contact us at All polite comments are welcomed. Please ‘like’ us wherever you find this show.