Shattered Reality!

A paranormal podcast with your hosts Kate Valentine and Fahrusha

#73 Calvin Parker & the Pascagoula Incident


Calvin Parker abductee and author of Pascagoula: The Closest Encounter, My Story, Calvin Parker

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Kate Valentine and Fahrusha welcome Calvin Parker, the gentleman who was abducted with the late Charles Hickson by unknown beings in Pascagoula Mississippi. With us also was Terry Lovelace, a very informed abductee and previous guest, to ask some additional questions. We are very happy Calvin has come forward with his experience, especially since Charles Hickson has passed away. Now we have another voice out here to explain what transpired in Pascagoula in 1973. The incident was a rather straightforward and classic abduction scenario, but nonetheless fascinating. In his book Calvin also details what he went through after the abduction and the steps he took to try and understand what exactly the reality of these beings and their craft were. No one can ever know what someone else has experienced, but I believe Calvin and Terry are giving their accounts as truthfully as possible. We can learn something about the nature of our place in the Universe from reading their books. We need to be constantly reminded that humans see only a fraction of the electromagnetic bandwidth around us.

Calvin’s book is Pascagoula: The Closest Encounter, My Story, Calvin Parker and Terry’s book is Incident at Devil’s Den. We thank Philip Mantle for his participation in making this show possible. We invite our listeners to share their experiences on the show.

Errata: At the beginning of the podcast, Fahrusha said “Calvin” when referring to Travis Walton, who she refers to as having given an address at the MUFON symposium on July 29, 2018. The correct addresses for our websites are: and

Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker in 1973 shortly after the abduction.


Author: fahrusha


2 thoughts on “#73 Calvin Parker & the Pascagoula Incident

  1. Yes, Hickson and Parker were reportedly kidnapped by sinister, “wrinkly-looking” aliens (robots?) with crab-like “claws” that took them aboard an oval-shaped, brightly-lit “spaceship” for an undetermined amount of time – observed the two men while they were unable to move – and set them free, seemingly unharmed but clearly terrorized by the incident.


  2. Pingback: #116 The Zanfretta Case with Rino Di Stefano | Shattered Reality!

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